
ruminations on international financing and whatever

Saturday, August 19, 2006

"The Constitution Makes Protecting Our Nation From Foreign Attack The President's Most Solemn Duty And Provides Him With The Legal Authority To Keep America Safe." ("The NSA Program To Detect And Prevent Terrorist Attacks: Myth V. Reality," Department Of Justice, 1/27/06) here "Nobody's talking about impeachment," said plaintiff James Bamford, "but if you had opposite parties in Congress, you'd have a situation, I think, very much like Watergate." here

Friday, August 18, 2006

A federal judge in Detroit on Thursday struck down the National Security Agency's domestic surveillance program, calling it unconstitutional and an illegal abuse of presidential power. here U.S. Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert today responded "Our terrorist surveillance programs are critical to fighting the War on Terror and saved the day by foiling the London terror plot." here The U.S. Attorney General said there would be an immediate appeal. here